Game Overview
# of Players
2-4 Players
Average game Time
25 Min
The Bunny Hunters are an elite faction of space-faring bounty hunters. They have united to take down their mortal enemy, Cadmean the Fox, and his cadre of space-criminals.
No manhunt is complete without some healthy competition, though. So you’ll need to impress your fellow Bunny Hunters by earning the most cold, hard Carats along the way.
Defeat your bounties, earn Carats, spend them on bigger, badder weapons and equipment, and then do it all over again until Cadmean and his crew are down for the count!
How to play
You’ll start out by handing out the starter decks. Each deck should contain 7 Pocket Blasters and 3 Jams.

Next, you’ll set up the play area. Which consists of the Store Deck, Bounty Deck, and the “Always Available” cards. Deal 4 cards in a row from the Store and the Bounty decks and set the “Always Available” cards nearby.

Alright! Time for your first turn. You choose one or more Bounties to challenge FIRST. Once you’ve locked in your decision, you draw 5 cards from your deck. If you’ve got more Splodes than the Bounty’s Danger Rating, you defeat them!

Nice job taking down Spike-2099! Time to claim that Reward. You’ll resolve the text first, which means that if any other players have more completed bounties than you, they take 2 DAMAGE! Then you get to spend those hard-earned Carats on new Weapons & Equipment from the Shop. Bunny Hunters spend it if they’ve got it, no saving allowed. Once you’re done buying, add Spike-2099 to your Bounty Pile for scoring and replace cards in the Shop and Bounty rows.

If you DON’T have enough Splodes to defeat the Bounty or Bounties, you return the them to the Bounty lineup and take a DAMAGE! card for each undefeated Bounty. Add the DAMAGE! to your bounty pile for scoring later.

The game ends when someone successfully takes down Cadmean the Fox and everyone has taken the same number of turns. For example, if the player that took the first turn defeats Cadmean, everyone else gets one more turn. Everyone counts up the number of Carats in their bounty pile, subtracting DAMAGE!. Whoever has earned the most wins!
Now return to the top and repeat because this calls for a rematch.